Many things changed across the world when the pandemic struck back in the beginning of 2020, but perhaps the thing that has changed the most is the world of education. Instead of having face-to-face interactions and building relationships with teachers and peers, students were thrown into the world of virtual learning. Of course this is what was best during the pandemic, but how has it affected this generation of young students? Virtual schooling is when all teaching is done online either through a virtual meeting application such as Zoom, or when videos are recorded and shared with the class. All assignments are submitted online and all communication is done through email or another type of messenger program. Virtual schooling has become very important in the field of education since it is so heavily used and can accommodate those who are not able to come to school in-person. Many authors have written about
virtual learning and how it has affected the classroom.
As a student during the pandemic, I have had a lot of experience in virtual schooling. Through my time in virtual schooling, I have learned many things about it. First, for the most part, it is very user friendly. Programs such as Canvas and Blackboard have been relied on by many colleges and high schools across the country, and with a little practice and experience they are very easy to work. If you have an organized teacher, all of the resources you need should be easily accessible to you. Assignments are turned in one
A student participating in their online class |
place and quizzes are completed through the program as well. Second, Zoom and similar applications make it easy to meet with a class. Students are able to get a similar feel of being in the classroom when they meet with their teacher and fellow students in the online format. These programs have been heavily updated since the start of the pandemic and now allow students to raise their hand, share their screen, and even ask a question in the chat feature. Finally, however, I want to discuss one of the downsides of virtual schooling, lack of motivation. Students everywhere are feeling the toll of a lack of face-to-face interaction. With classes online they are unable to make great relationships with peers and teachers that were previously achievable. Having class online for hours leads many students to lose focus and interest in whatever subject matter they are covering. In a class where cameras aren't required to be on, many students give into the temptation of scrolling through their phone instead of listening and learning. As a student myself, I have found it very difficult to find the motivation to pay attention during class when I know I can complete all of my homework assignments and still achieve an A in the class. Of course there are students who really enjoy virtual schooling, as it is very accessible, but it is definitely not for everyone. As we move into a world where the pandemic has slowed enough to allow consistent face-to-face interaction, it will be interesting to see just how much of impact this period of virtual schooling has had on today's students.
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